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Sopori’s death comes simply weeks when santoor virtuoso Pandit shiv Kumar Sharma, who conjointly belonged to Kashmir and took the instrument to the classical music stage, died on might 10.  The musician-composer belonged to north Kashmir’s Sopore district and came from the ‘Sufiana Gharana’.  Indian Santoor The Indian santoor instrument is a trapezoid-shaped beat dulcimer, and a variation of the Iranian Santur.  The Indian santoor is a lot of rectangular and may have a lot of strings than its Persian counterpart that usually has 72 strings.  The instrument is usually made from walnut and has 25 bridges.  Every bridge has 4 strings, creating for a complete of 100 strings.  Its a standard instrument in Jammu and Kashmir, and dates back to earlier period.  It absolutely was known as Shatha Tantri Veena in ancient Sanskrit texts.  Its contend during a variety of music called the SufianaMausiqi.  Some researchers slot it as an impermanent version of a primitive instrument played within the Mesopotamian times (1600–900 B.C.).  The santoor is played whereas sitting in an posture known as ardha-padmasana and inserting it on the lap within the NatyaShastra, compiled by India Muni dated 200 B.C.-200 A.D.,  Musical instruments are divided into four main classes on the premise of however sound is created. i. The Tata Vadya or Chordophones- Stringed instruments (  ii. The SushiraVadya or Aerophones- Wind instruments iii. The AvanaddhaVadya or Membranophones- Percussion instruments iv. The Ghana Vadya or Idiophones- Solid instruments

